A .NET tool to transform a XML file that is in RIF (Requirement Interchange Format) format into HTML format. If the RIF document has inline attachments or referenced attachments, they will be added to the output and the HTML file will have clickable links to them.
What means, you can open the RIF document in your web browser and view it including all attached content.


USAGE: RIF2HTML -IF=InputFile -OF=OutputFile or Folder [-info] [-open]

The “InputFile“ should point to the XML file in RIF format. Referenced RIF attachments should be located in the  sub-folder defined in the RIF file.

If the “Output File or Folder” points to an folder, the generated file will be named index.html.
! The folder name on the command line should end with an \ !

The –open option opens the generated HTML file in the default browser.

All of this is built around LibRiView. My first intention was to build a GUI to show the Requirements but I ran out of time and I prepared the HTML transformation.

The biggest part in a GUI would be the component that displays the requirement in a datagridview because a requirement could be formatted nearly like an HTML  document, what makes it quite easy to transform it in an HTML format. So for now I don’t find the time for the implementation, but hey, you could take the source and add your own GUI using the LibRiView library. (LibRiView.dll) J

The code is based on the example files that are downloadable from the RIF homepage, so I am version it 0.9.
If you have problems with “real world data” it would be helpful if you would provide me with them.
If you don’t want to post them on the SF Tracker, please contact me.

System requirements:

Any Windows edition that runs the .NET Framework in version >= 4 should be able to run it.

Know limitations :
SpecHierarchyRoot and SpecRelation elements are not handled.
They are most likely used to display data in hierarchy and group requirements.
Access Policies are also not implemented. (AP doesn’t make sense in a viewing component, so I guess you won’t miss them)
(Check the RIF documentation for details!)

Project homepage:

Questions & Answers:
Q: Where can I get more information about the RIF format ?
A: Check this links, they will explain the format:

Q: I found a bug, what next ?
A: Please file any using the SF tracker on the project homepage




Version history:                             



20110719-v 0.9

initial release

20110827-v 0.91

Fixed issue in links to embedded resources in output.
The link contain backslashes instead of slashes what is incompatible if you put the output to a webserver. If the document was opened from the local filesystem this wasn’t an issue because the browser took care of links.




RIF2HTML is licensed under the GPL v3 or later.

Legal information:

I didn’t found some information that the RIF is trademarked somehow. But behind the RIF definition stands the HIS (Herstellerinitiative  Software). They defined the standard and copyrighted it.
Their homepage is located here:

If they own rights on the abbreviation it is mentioned by this.